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Phil Wickham Joins RealLife

By Cru Staff

· RealLife
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We are excited to have Phil Wickham join us for RealLife this Thursday, August 29th, at 8pm in Mershon Auditorium. Phil will be leading us in worship and playing a 45 minute extended worship set at the end of the meeting.

Phil, a west coast musician, was born and raised in San Diego, California. He learned to play the guitar at an early age and led worship for the first time when he was just 13. Wickham continued to follow his passion for worshiping God through music and in 2003 released his first album. Since then, Phil has had released six albums and toured around the world, helping countless others praise Christ. His latest album "The Ascension" will be released on September 24th, 2013.

Most importantly, Phil cherishes the opportunity to exalt Jesus with music in all of life's cirsumstances. Speaking on worship, Phil remarked, “When I see the different aspects of who God is in different situations of life – a little glimpse of His love in how my wife and I continue to grow in our love for each other, His goodness when I find out I have a baby daughter on the way, His grace and forgiveness when I mess up for the hundredth time – my response to that love can be seen as jumping for joy where other times I respond by saying, ‘You are Holy and I am not’, humbled and falling on my face.”

Join us this Thursday night at RealLife as Phil leads us in worshiping our awesome King and Savior.

Here's a look at Phil performing one of his song's called "Heaven Fall Down."